Teaching 2021-12-09T20:07:28-05:00


We have three formal teaching ministries at Grace Baptist West Asheville.  We make it a priority at GBWA to teach all the counsel of God’s Word.

Corporate Worship- Sunday at 10:45

The corporate worship gathering on Sunday morning is centered around the proclamation of God’s Word in and through the sermon.  The order of service emphasizes revelation and encourages response by prioritizing the sermon in our gatherings.  At GBWA we preach through entire books of the Bible verse-by-verse.  Our preaching is expository and Gospel-centered.  We know that God’s Word never returns void and is efficient for God’s purposes so long as we are are faithful in our proclamation of it.

Equipping Classes- Sunday at 9:30am

“Equipping Classes” are the classes we offer on Sunday morning that center around a subject of Christian study. The classes are designed to equip the believer for “every good work” as it says in 2 Tim 3:16-17.  Classes are on a rotation lasting several weeks. Here are the current offerings.
New Testament Survey Pt 2 meets in the fellowship hall at 9:30am. A senior ladies class, student girls’ class and kids’ boys class are offered as well.

Meaningful Membership- Sunday at 9:30

Sundays at 9:30am in the classroom above the office. Please email branton@gracebaptistasheville.org if you plan to attend.
Family Gatherings Bible Study- Wednesday 6:00pm
Our less formal “family time,” meets on Wednesdays at 6pm in the sanctuary.

Previous Sermons

Sermon live streams can be be found on our YouTube channel here